INSTALLATION You can install RenRot to your Windows platform, but you need to do several extra steps. STEP 1 First off, you must have a Perl 5.6.0 or later available on your system. If you need to install one, ActivePerl can be a good choice. You can get it here Currently you don't have to provide any personal info for download, but if you are still in doubt, you can try to follow direct link and choose a build for Windows (as msi package - clickable option for novice, or zip file for more experienced users). Once you have Perl installed (it goes to C:\Perl by default), you can type perl --version to see installed version. STEP 2 Now you need make/nmake to continue. You can skip this step if you have installed MS Visual Studio. The next article explains what to do and what to make, but shortly go to Microsoft's Q132084;en-us;Q132084 and download nmake Run the downloaded file to extract it and copy both the NMAKE.EXE and the NMAKE.ERR files to your Perl bin directory, normally C:\Perl\bin. STEP 3 Now download all dependencies (like ExifTool), unpack and install them, using nmake command instead of make. Use cpan for needed modules like running (automatic mode) cpan Image::ExifTool or by cpan shell starting with (manual mode) perl -MCPAN -e shell STEP 4 Just like you installed dependencies, you can install renrot now: perl Makefile.PL nmake nmake install You are ready to go! NOTES: 1. To unpack tar.gz-files you can use WinZip (make sure that you extract files including full path, especially for ExifTool), or use free utility 7-zip 2. Be sure to call NMake.exe instead of make command. 3. One of the dependencies is jpegtran from libjpeg library and they do not provide binaries for Windows platform. To be able to rotate images, you must build it from source code yourself or download from this site 4. Use double quotes instead of single in command line for disabling misinterpretation of arguments. INSTALL TO PDA (EXPERIMENTAL AND UNDER DEVELOPMENT, MAY NOT WORK) Installation process for a WinCE devices is not trivial. Please, be accurate when you make installation. Using renrot and exiftool scripts on PDA is useful for device that has built-in camera such as FSC Pocket Loox 720. First, you need to install Perl and Image::ExifTool to Pocket PC or another PDA. Visit the following site and get last perl distribution according to platform (usually ARM for Pocket PC): There you can found detailed installation instructions for perl. Also we recommends to install the PerlIDE GUI that helps with scripting very much. Second, additional modules should be installed for starting ExifTool: File::RandomAccess Simple way to install is a copy their as-is from your PC perl distribution to the %perllib% on PDA. RenRot and ExifTool's several functions are not working now due to precompiled perl does not contain strftime().